Monday, 26 October 2009

I should know Your voice by now, surely I should know Your expectations for me, the thoughts and plans You have for me? But what is this life for me? To waste time on the mediocre and enjoyable, will I regret my life as I age or will I never realised how important all this is until my time has come. If this life is that important then why do I forsake hours of my day and laze in the absence of doing. Dwell in my mind and not in my body, stay in places of thought not of reality. What should I be doing with me?
I will go on loving, I will go on doing, I will go on seeking Your voice throughout the crowds, throughout this audience with the judgments and the jeering. I will follow you, I will for I have to, for I have nothing without You. When all is done I want to be with You, I don't know how I will, but I will. For You will guide me through this valley, You will be with me and You will always be my salvation.

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